When two worlds apart come togetherThis morning when l woke up, a question popped up in my mind: “When is a woman’s burden lighter than air?” “In March,” answered a voice in…Mar 28, 2024Mar 28, 2024
DORYA GLENN: NEW EUROPEANSingaporean philosopher Jeremy Fernando interviews Dorya Glenn, pseudonym of writer/visual artist Julie Oyang and art photographer Filip…Mar 22, 2024Mar 22, 2024
The Tao of Chinese RenaissancePortrait of a renowned philanthropist, art & antique collector and visionaryMay 19, 2023May 19, 2023
All you want to know about your mother (but never dare to ask): the etymology of 母, mother母 mǔ means mother or maternal, feminine. In oracle script — the oldest written form of the Chinese language — you see a kneeling woman…May 18, 2023May 18, 2023
“Chinese civilization is ready for a new interpretation!”An interview with Michael Xincheng Du, Chinese art & antique collector, founder of Baozhen International Art Auction HouseMay 17, 2023May 17, 2023
Nüwa: the Chinese mother goddessShe walked to the shore in a bright-red world. The curves of her body became one with the light like faded roses. Then a crack slowly…May 6, 2022May 6, 2022
The Way of Enlightened Scriptor how this ancient Chinese art could end all wars and broker peaceApr 23, 2022Apr 23, 2022
Long live "heavenly breasts" and the gender of patriotismHow to understand present-day China series: Part 2Jun 14, 20181Jun 14, 20181
How to understand present-day China series: Part 1In memoriam of June 4: Sexual love as an antidote to totalitarian controlJun 4, 2018Jun 4, 2018
Undressing women: What has Ivanka Trump got to do with Chairman Mao’s revolution?Helluvalot!Jun 1, 2018Jun 1, 2018